Website Content Writing: 8 Phrases That Destroy Your Website
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Website Content Writing: 8 Phrases That Destroy Your Website

When describing your business online and writing website content, we all seem to look at what our competitors write and follow a similar path.

However, just because you’ve had a look at your competitor’s website content writing, that doesn’t mean they’re doing things right.

Writing content for websites isn’t difficult, but using tired, boring cliches and empty boasts won’t turn a click into a sale.

When you visit a showroom to buy a car, are you wowed by the brake horsepower and the fact that it’s a four-wheel drive?

Or would the decision to purchase be easier if you knew how economical the car was with fuel?

And how it was independently verified as one of the safest cars on the market?

If you haven’t hired someone like me for website content writing services and you fancy doing it yourself, then there are some things you should change on your website ASAP.

You see, most of us don’t like jargon and empty boasts that are meaningless, unverified and a carbon copy of every other website.

When you’re writing website content, avoid useless phrases.

Instead, by choosing smarter content writing websites can showcase to customers why they’re the best company to choose.

So, avoid these phrases when you are creating website content and social media bios.

8 awful phrases that add NOTHING to your marketing.


Website Content Writing: 8 Awful Phrases That Add NOTHING to Your Marketing

Website Content Writing Mistake #1: “We’re transparent.

Oh really?

A window is transparent too….

So, your company allows light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen?

Meaningless, vague and a piece of jargon that should be banned from every single website.

Instead, when you’re writing website content, try explaining the benefit to the customer.

Use a phrase like, “Nobody likes hidden charges. That’s why the quote we give you is the price you’ll pay. No nasty surprises.”

Content Writing Website Mistake #2: “We’re fair.

Hmmm, that’s great to hear.

Not being corrupt or shady isn’t exactly a unique selling point.

Instead, try using a phrase such as, “If you’re not happy with our product/service, we’ll refund you your money. No hassle. No drama. Just your money back.”

Website Content Writing Mistake #3: “We’re number one.”

If you use number one, then your website probably smells of number two.

Unless you’ve gone up against every single competitor in a prestigious awards ceremony and won, then this boast is empty.

Besides, readers will assume that you’re not number one if you have to say it.

So let other customers explain why you’re number one.

Instead of using empty, factless phrases like this, why not say, “Customers like John from Ballymena and Susan from Newtownards say things like…” and then add in a glowing review from a customer?

Content Writing Website Mistake #4: “Professional and reliable service.”

Being professional and reliable should be your default setting and isn’t something to boast about.

Nearly every company has some variation of this on their website.

However, nobody likes a boaster.

So, instead of proclaiming that you’re professional and reliable, why not link your website’s visitors directly to your 5-star reviews on Google and let your customers talk about how they found your service to be professional and reliable?

Website Content Writing Mistake #5: “We’re a forward-thinking company.”

Unless you’ve created genuinely revolutionary products or solutions, then it’s likely you’re not as forward-thinking as you might think.

And besides, would the words ‘forward-thinking company’ make you choose to buy a product or service from them?

Probably not.

Instead, beef out what you mean by forward-thinking; are you a net-zero company that’s committed to the environment?

Are you creating solutions to age-old problems?

Is your company setting the tech world alight with a brand new way of working?

Be specific about why someone should choose your company over every other.

Website Content Writing Mistake #6: “We’re proud of our outstanding service.”

That’s like saying, “I’m good-looking”.

Let others be the judge of that.

Again, good service should be an absolute minimum expectation from most customers.

What makes your level of service stand out from your competitors?

Do you offer free, 24/7 customer service?

Are you going above and beyond what’s expected of you?

Content Writing Website Mistake #7: “We are experts.”

Well, we’d all like to think so if you’ve built a business around your products or services.

Instead, showcase why you are experts.

You could include qualifications, experience, industry knowledge, awards, media mentions and much more.

Website Content Writing- DELETE These 8 Awful Phrases ASAP - website content writer belfast - freelance content writing service

Website Content Writing Mistake #8: “We’re passionate.”

Again, we’d like to think so if you’ve built a business around something.

It’d be a bit odd if you had a business selling something you despised.

Explain how you’re passionate about the industry.

Do you constantly enrol in high-quality training and certifications to improve?

Are your services or products making a real-life impact?

Conclusion: Write web content that customers understand.

There’s no easy answer to the question ‘how to write content for your website’.

Ultimately, it’s about avoiding all the usual cliches and boring website copy.

Instead, be specific.

If you think you’re the best, tell your potential customers why you think that.

Or if your company is a genuine leader, prove it with facts, statistics and customer reviews.


PS: Content writing for websites is what I do.

If you need help with high-quality website copy, my Northern Ireland website content writing service will turn traffic into sales.

All you have to do is tell me what you need, and I’ll take care of the rest.

If you want to know more about how to write website content that your customers will love, then check out my previous blog posts about digital marketing and blog content basics.

Drop me an email to find out more:


Paul Malone
Paul Malone
Paul Malone is one of Northern Ireland’s most experienced marketers, providing Copywriting, Content Writing and Blog Writing services for businesses across the country. Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

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